So many things happened over one weekend that I am having a hard time remembering all of them. Thomas was on a business trip over the weekend so I ended up with Gab at my parents’ house.
It was really difficult to take care of Gab alone in the house as he is really getting more mobile thus getting himself into more trouble. Usually he will sleeps till we leave from work however for the few days that Thomas was not around and maybe because of the flu he slept really early (like around 8pm) he woke up pretty early too at 7am. So I had no choice but to lug him wherever I go…..in the bathroom, next to the dressing table, near the cupboard and kitchen.
But the problem was he was always trying to stand and climb things, so I thought the walker would be safe. Wrong!!!! I placed him in the walker and to make things interesting I was playing with him for awhile before going to the kitchen to continue cleaning and preparing stuffs before I leave for work. I heard a loud ‘THUD’ and I thought to myself maybe Gab drop some of his toys that he is very fond of doing. And then I heard a cry, sensing that something was wrong….I quickly ran out and saw him sprawled on the floor looking at me and crying. How on earth did he manage to climb out of the walker. He found a way definitely. Praise God that Gab only suffered a little bruise on his left cheek.
Major milestones that I observed:
Creep (crawling on hands and knees with tummy off the floor)
It does look funny the way he was creeping but I guess he was trying to get the hang of it. But a lot of times he was moving so slow that he goes back to crawling especially when he needs to reach his ‘object’ ASAP. Impatient baby ;p.
Two Front Teeth
Yup….it is official that his two front teeth have cut through. I noticed in on Saturday which explains his continuous salivating and mouthing of things. Praise God that there is no fever though.
Stand Unsupported and Walk One Step on His Own
He can stand pretty well on his own now and even took one little step unsupported. Need to let him practice more on this when he is not so distracted by his toys.
Signing for Milk
It is official that he knows how to sign for milk. He did that quite a few times and I will put down here those times that I remembered the best.
Two weeks ago, 1 hour after feeding him milk I brought him upstairs to the bedroom for nap. We were playing for awhile on the bed when he suddenly does the milk sign. So I asked him “Do you want milk milk?” He signed again. I asked “Are you sure since you only had milk not long ago?” He smiled shyly. Just to be sure, I showed him his milk bottle and asked him again. He signed again and this time smiling. So I made him his milk and he finished 4oz in one go. That’s my boy.
Yesterday at my mum’s place after his porridge (also around 1 hour later) we were playing with his toys in the living room. He started to hug me now and then while playing with his toys as well. Then he looked at me and signed. My mum also saw it. I asked him again and he signed again. So I went to make his milk and he finished it again….150ml this time.
I never thought that Gab can repeat after us so I never really did teach him to speak like that. I mean that I still talk to him a lot like having a normal conversation but never keep repeating some words to get him to say it out. But what happened last weekend will definitely change my approach.
My elder sis was asking Gab to call her “Tai Yee” and she kept repeating the words. In the end Gab really managed to mutter the word “Tai”. And during the same weekend also, Tia was repeating the word “Poh Poh” to Gab and he really managed to say it as well.
Gab really surprised me each week with his fabulous achievements.
Technorati Tags: gabriel, fall, cry, milestone, teeth, crawl, signing, vocal
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